Thursday, January 19, 2006

Little K-Z...

My baby went to the hospital this morning. Only six months old. So young and vulnerable.

I had her "hystericals" removed.

I know she would have been a good mother, but there are already so many kittens who's story will not have a happy ending like Katie's has; so far. There's nothing I like better than a bunch of buzzing kittens, so having a pet cat spayed or neutered is always bittersweet for me. It makes me feel good that I'm a responsible pet owner, but it makes me sad, too. I have 100% potential for becoming one of those people you hear about more and more: "pet hoarders." I'll definitely have to keep taking my "mood" medicine or, I know, I could easily have 100 cats. I just love them that much.

Katie's full name is Katie Zeta (after the beautiful Catherine Zeta Jones, although she doesn't look at all like Mrs. Douglas!). Sometimes I call her KZ. This morning KZ was short for Kat-Zilla - 3 lbs. of raw steel.

She did NOT want to go in that carrier.

I prevailed. She's spending the night at the hospital.

She'll be home tomorrow afternoon, and I'd better watch my back.


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