Friday, July 27, 2007

The Furry Reaper...

You’ve heard about Oscar? If not, he’s been written up in the current edition of the New England Journal of Medicine. Oscar is a cat in a Rhode Island nursing home who has demonstrated an ability to predict when patients will die. Actually this isn’t the first time I’ve heard of this phenomenon. Years and years ago, there was a TV segment on another nursing home cat that did the same thing. His means of communicating an approaching demise is uniquely feline: he curls up and naps next to those close to death. Oscar, aged 2, is pictured ----->

Does Oscar have supernatural powers? Generally, I’ve found that if a cat will curl up next to you and nap, it doesn’t necessarily mean you are about to die…or win the lottery, or get a phone call from the President or have lunch. Anyone who has ever lived with cats know that if a cat will curl up next to you and nap it means, merely, that you exist.

My experience is that cats love laps. They especially love the laps of people who aren’t kicking them off to go places (dinner, bathroom, do something more interesting than sit and watch a cat nap). I know that when I’m not well, my cats – not all of them at the same time, but one-by-one or two-by-two, seem to know that I’m not well and appear to “tend” to me. My inactivity would seem to indicate the cat(s) know that I’m somewhat immobile and, therefore, take a chance that they can lay on me for a good long time.

Either that, or they’re all still in training.

Furry Reaper…indeed.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Selective Activism at Work!

Lifted from


After hearing through a personal friend of the following incident, I watched the news with interest to see if ANY coverage at all would be done concerning an incident that occurred in New Hampshire during a Hillary Clinton appearance. (NOW, I understand WHY the Clinton staff doesn't allow press into many events). No mention on MSNBC, no mention on CNN or mainstream media, and then late in the evening I happened to catch the late late news and watched an interview with the lady in question, Katherine Prudhomme.

Katherine Prudhomme is a rape survivor. Since then she has become an activist on women's issues and attended an event in New Hampshire on Friday, carrying with her a signed receipt of proof that Hillary Clinton had indeed received the tape of the Juanita Broddrick interview with Lisa Myers on Dateline. Katherine Prudhomme did not go to the event to cause a stir, or make a spectacle of herself, she just wanted to ask a question of Senator Clinton. She wanted to know if Senator Clinton was speaking up for women's rights, why has she continued to dismiss the actions of her own husband? That if she was going to stand up for women's issues, then she should stand up for them ALL, not just the ones which are convenient for votes, and dismiss the outrageous behavior of her own husband.

Katherine managed to speak to Senator Clinton and showed her the receipt and asked her for a comment about the video she had sent. Clinton replied she had no idea what she was talking about. Well, allow me to give you Katherine's recount of what occurred:

In December of 1999, Katherine Prudhomme created an uncomfortable moment for Al Gore in New Hampshire, one the liberal media never would have dreamed of creating: she asked him about Juanita Broaddick's claim that Bill Clinton raped her in 1978 at a Little Rock hotel. The video from WNDS-TV showed Gore claiming he never watched the Broaddrick interview, and he had no opinion on it. Embarrassing. Along with posting the video, Brent Baker reported only Fox News (and a day later, the Brian Williams show on MSNBC) showed it, while the nets stayed away.

Prudhomme reports that she just tried on Friday to confront Hillary Clinton on the same Broaddrick question at an event in Nashua, and Hillary claimed "I don't know anything about that" and "I don't know what you're talking about." Prudhomme says she was carrying a certified-mail receipt that she's sent the Broaddrick interview on tape to Hillary's office. Since this alleged exchange apparently happened off-mike, it probably won't carry the same delicious video. Will the media follow up on this, or will their usual severe allergy to the Broaddrick issue continue? This is her account of the event:

"I was not too far from the former President so I called out to him but he didn’t see me. Hillary came up next and I held out an old light green colored postcard towards her as others were holding tickets, baseballs and stuff like that.

She took my postcard, signed it and asked "Whose is this?" I said it was mine and asked her if she believed Juanita Broaddrick. "Who is that?" she asked.
I replied "The woman who said she was raped by Bill Clinton in 1978."
"I don’t know anything about that" Ms. Rodham Clinton said, still holding my card.
"I sent you a videotape of the interview she gave to Dateline NBC and I’m sure you have received it, I sent it by certified mail and that’s the receipt showing your office got it that your holding."
At some point around this time someone behind her asked my name so I told them what it was. She gave the receipt back to me.
I asked her again if she believed Juanita Broaddrick.
"I don’t know what your talking about." she then started going back towards the direction she had come from, away from her husband.
I had to yell so she would hear me over the music as I asserted "That’s not true!" and went on to ask her "Why are you doing this? You’ve always been so good to rape survivors."
I was thinking about how she started Arkansas’ first rape crisis hotline and helped start its first rape crisis center. I would have loved her way back then for that.
The people around me suddenly discovered they did not like me and began making vehement requests to have someone get me out of there.
A well groomed, handsome man in a suit with one of those clear, curly wires in his ear, a Secret Service agent perhaps, grabbed both my arms above the elbow and began pushing me backwards and telling me I had to leave.
So I did. Well, I began to.
An enthusiastic, yet clueless young campaign worker invited me to take a sign up card thing so I could get campaign updates.
I declined her offer by muttering a swear phrase that encourages people to go have fun with themselves but I don’t think she heard me.
As I passed the media stage I thought I’d at least talk to some media folks and tell them my side of the story. I had printed it up on a sheet of paper I could give them.
About four guys in suits with wires in their ears were joined by an equal number of Nashua Police officers who told me I couldn’t do that. So I began to leave again.
All eight of them were kind enough to escort me toward the gate. Who says chivalry is dead?As officers of the law, I will obey them but I couldn’t see why I was such a threat. I’m 130 or so pounds soaking wet, I was wearing a dress and heels and so upset and humiliated I’m was trying hard not to cry and not always being successful.
This was a very hard thing for me to do. I try to be polite but I also know that I must be bold and assertive as well to get the answers I want. I know my intentions are pure and this gives me confidence. At that moment, knowing my intentions were honorable, this caused me to be very angry too. I declared that the event was a sham. To me it was. If a candidate wants to earn the right of having said they were vetted by the tough, hard question asking New Hampshire citizenry, then I respond that she must earn that right. Hillary is not doing that, walking away from tough questions and not being brave enough to take random ones that a whole crowd can hear. Does she think we are stupid?

NOTE TO HILLARY: You are NOT going to be able to thrown everyone out of events because they ask you the hard questions you will HAVE to answer eventually. Strong arming well meaning, and interested VOTERS is not the way to act Presidential, or are you another George Bush? Throw out those that would dare question you on something you don't like? And you claim you are the champion of women? Clean your own house first, THEN perhaps you can lay claim to being the champion of women. How you have snowed so many women is beyond this citizen, but then I, as a nearby neighbor of yours know full well your ability to deflect the truth, and your absolute control over Secret Service (or they are replaced if they dare question you or complain or don't follow your orders to carry your luggage) and police officers (the NYC police complain they have to guard the former President, your husband as he wanders the streets and bars at night looking for the ladies) in your demands. Get real, get truthful, or get out!"
Draw your own judgment........

Monday, July 16, 2007

Little Katie...

My precious orange and white ball of fire is currently at Auburn University's College of Veterinary Medicine. At the behest of my local vet, Friday I drove her over for a blood transfusion and it seems to be working; she's making her own red blood cells now and she's eating a bit on her own. On arrival her condition was "guarded" but she's now "fair." She'll probably be there all week -- or maybe longer.
The best the staff can diagnose is an auto-immune problem which may or may not recur.
I sure would like her home.
I have three other cats. They've always been indoor/outdoor kitties. The vet is begging me to make them exclusively indoor cats. I'm going to try, but it's going to be difficult for Princess and Harley, both 11 years old, and Toby, who is six. Yesterday afternoon, I confined them and they were not happy. Retraining is not going to be a piece of cake -- err, cod. I'll give it my best shot.
If anyone reading this blog feels so inclined, a little prayer to St. Francis on behalf of my Katie would be appreciated.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Best Laid Plans....

After a great 4th of July, a much-needed couple of days off afterward and a satisfying Sunday morning, I had great plans for around the house.

Not to be. Sometimes I just wish Ken Burns would go away. No one can chew up more of my time than Ken Burns. I cannot escape his documentaries, no matter how many times I've seen them. It doesn't matter what the subject is - I'll watch it. This photo is of Peachtree Street (looking north) in 1865.

Yesterday, PBA30 ran a marathon showing of "The Civil War." This is my favorite Ken Burns production. I've seen it at least a dozen times and each time I see something new. I must have missed the part about General Nathan Bedford Forrest all the other times (I have napped through parts of it in the past). Could it be that the East Point streets with "Forrest" in them are named for him?

So, I got nothing done yesterday, but learned some more stuff.
It was a stellar day, thanks to my two best friends, Brian and Rob...and to Ken Burns and the history he tells.

Monday, July 02, 2007

A New Dawn...

Everyone get ready - 'cause I'm on my way back!