Monday, May 22, 2006


I swore I put my cigarettes in this bag.

Guess not!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The Gas/Eggs Theory

Most of our (extended) crowd is familiar with the above theory. Thanks Ricky for giving me something else to ponder.

As is my way, things I've heard have a way of going in one ear and out the other and back again.

I've been thinking about the gas/eggs theory a little more in depth. We have not built a new oil refinery in 30 years. If we haven't built a new refinery, it is doubtful that we have increased our storage capacity. Since we already have a standard reserve of gasoline in this country, would it not seem that if we, as consumers, didn't buy it at whatever the price, there would be no place to store it. It would make sense that surplus outside the reserve would be loaded on to tankers and sold to the highest bidder? Just something to ponder. We Americans are (sometimes) really adept at shooting our own feet.


Monday, May 08, 2006

Medical Test Results -

This is a kicker. I may have the same problem Bruce has. Exacerbated by years of smoking and unhealthy eating, I may have a clogged artery in my right leg. An MRI will be performed in the near future to confirm whether or not I will need surgery.

The reason I'm putting this on the Blog is that I really don't want to talk about it when we're out to have fun. It will be what it will be and that's that.

It is going to be really difficult for me to give up the few ciggies I've been having socially, but I've got to do it. Please don't try to discuss it with me; I just have to give it up. This is not meant to make anyone abstain in my company or anything like that. We have to make our own decisions.

There are other factors, too. Now that I am legally blind in my right eye, I've really got to take care of the left one. To keep myself away from the pitfalls of injuries that might occur while doing yardwork, I've contracted to have it done. It was either that or sell-out and move into an apartment. Better an extra $100 per month than an extra $500 floating away in rent.

Another reason I've got to quit smoking (eye doc said that exposure to 2nd hand smoke a couple hours a week wouldn't be a factor) is that smoking can speed up the development of glaucoma which, at this time, I don't have and don't want to develop. If I develop glaucoma in my good eye, I'm sunk.

I'm now dieting in earnest, too. No more masses of onion rings at the Tavern!!! No more Frosties, etc. I've struggled with weight my entire life and don't want to end up being a 400 lb. retiree who can't walk, get into a pew at church or fit under the steering wheel of a car.

Sometimes, a life has to be defined by what one DOESN'T WANT, rather than by what one does want.

It ain't easy, but it's life.