Friday, September 09, 2005

Politics and Religion

To the right is Fritz. His look conveys my distain for discussion of either subject when one is trying to have or IS HAVING fun.

I don't know how it happened, but I've found myself in a sitation where two people I like very much (one of them I love a lot) can't stay away from either subject.

However, I have made an observation. This happens mostly when the persons appear not to be interested in the "fun-at-hand." At the first sign of boredom, off they go on a tangent about, mainly, the current American president and/or religion - sometimes at the same time. Yes, yes, I know that people talk about these things but there is a time and a place to do that -- and that time is WHEN I'M NOT AROUND. Yes, I am selfish and yes, I don't debate well and yes, I want to retaliate by pretending I'm going to the ladies room, but really go out and let the air out of their tires. I've only pondered this act and if it should happen, I'll just deny it.

These people say I'm in denial anyway.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kitty, you really do crack me up!! Yes, you're in denial but, yes, you write well which makes up for SOME of it. Hey, let the air out of my tires and you'll see the REAL Beverly the She-Cat. I do also have to say that these conversations have taken place so seldom that they're not worth taking seriously -- either by you or by me so just let your fur down and let's try to be friends -- until next time!!! Love ya.

10:51 AM  

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